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Langley, J, Grman, E, Wilcox, KR, Avolio, ML, Komatsu, KJ, Collins, SL, Koerner, SE, Smith, MD, Baldwin, AH, Bowman, B, Chiariello, N, Eskelinen, A, Harmens, H, Hovenden, M, Klanderud, K, McCulley, RL, Onipchenko, VG, Robinson, CH, Suding, KN. 2022. Do tradeoffs among plant species control response to different global change treatments? Ecology 103: e3626
Avolio, ML, Komatsu, KJ, Koerner, SE, Grman, E, Isbell, F, Johnson, DS, et al. 2022. Making sense of multivariate community responses in global change experiments. Ecosphere: e4249.
Wilcox, KW, Chen, A, Avolio, ML, Butler, E, Collins, SC, Fisher, R, Keenan, T, Kiang, N, Knapp, AK, Koerner, SE, Kueppers, L, Liang, G, Lieungh, E, Loik, M, Lou, Y, Poulter, B, Reich, P, Renwick, K, Smith, MD, Walker, A, Weng, E, Komatsu, K. 2023. Advancing our understanding of ‘grassy’ ecosystems by accounting for herbaceous communities in process-based models. Global Change Biology 29:6453-6477.
Ohlert, T, Kimmel, K, Avolio, ML, Chang, C, Forrestel, E, Gerstner, B, Hobbie, SE, Komatsu, K, Reich, P, Whitney, K. 2022. The impact of trait number and correlation on functional diversity metrics in real-world ecosystems. PlosOne: e0306342.
Komatsu, KJ, Avolio, ML, Cubino, JP, Schrodt, et al. CoRRE Trait Data: A dataset of 17 categorical and continuous traits for 4079 grassland plant species worldwide. Scientific Data 11: e795.
In Preparation
Relating plant community responses to global change drivers to productivity responses
Lead authors: Kimberly Komatsu, Meghan Avolio, Kevin Wilcox, Forest Isbell, Alan Knapp, Sally Koerner, Melinda Smith, Andrew Tredennick
Global change drivers alter stability of meta-communities by synchronizing or de-synchronizing plant populations.
Lead authors: Kevin Wilcox, Kimberly Komatsu, Sally Koerner, Meghan Avolio, Yann Hautier, Shaopeng Wang
Grassland plant communities with high rates of background change show greater change with GCDs
Lead authors: Sally Koerner, Kimberly Komatsu, Meghan Avolio
Lead authors: Kimberly Komatsu, Meghan Avolio, Kevin Wilcox, Forest Isbell, Alan Knapp, Sally Koerner, Melinda Smith, Andrew Tredennick
- We have previously found that plant communities respond systematically to global change drivers around the world, however the consequences for functional differences have yet to be investigated in a large-scale synthesis.
- Here we find that productivity responses to experimental global change drivers are initially driven by physiological responses of the existing plant community, followed by reordering of species within a community, and finally species turnover (losses and immigration). This result provides support for the Hierarchical Response Framework (Smith et al 2009).
Global change drivers alter stability of meta-communities by synchronizing or de-synchronizing plant populations.
Lead authors: Kevin Wilcox, Kimberly Komatsu, Sally Koerner, Meghan Avolio, Yann Hautier, Shaopeng Wang
- Ecosystem stability is important for maintaining ecosystem services and are likely to be impacted by global change drivers. We are investigating how global change drivers alter meta-community (beta) diversity, which then scales up impact two important contributors to ecosystem (gamma) stability.
- We find that beta-diversity is a strong driver of population synchrony . This effect is consistent across a wide array of global change drivers.
Grassland plant communities with high rates of background change show greater change with GCDs
Lead authors: Sally Koerner, Kimberly Komatsu, Meghan Avolio
- Plant communities are continuously changing over time. These background rates of change are poorly understood and can have large impacts on system response to global change drivers.
- Some plant communities exhibit higher rates of background change than others, and these communities were more responsive to global change treatment manipulations.